NKH Crusaders works closely with several non-profits who support NKH Research, as well as support for NKH families in need.

Brodyn's Friends
Brodyn‘s friends is a 501(c)3 charitable organization that gives caring people like you the opportunity to make an immediate difference in the lives of children and families affected with NKH, Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia . All donations are used to fund the research being done to find a cure and better treatment options for this devastating rare disease.
Lucas John Foundation
Lucas John Foundation is a nonprofit organization focused on rare diseases. Lucas John Culp was born in 2018 and medically diagnosed with a very rare genetic condition, Non-ketotic hyperglycinemia (NKH). There are only approximately 500 cases in the world. NKH is considered an orphaned disease. Orphaned diseases do not receive government funding and research is solely funded by the families affected and their supporters.
Donate Directly to NKH Research Facilities
As of Fall 2024, NKH Crusaders has donated over 1,000,000 to NKH Research at the University of Colorado and the University of Notre Dame. Research has moved forward so much in the last few years due to the hard work of the researchers. We have now launched the NKH Crusaders Registry.
Contribute to NKH Crusaders

Make Checks Payable to NKH Crusaders, Mail to:
122 Biscayne Ave
Weymouth, MA 02188
Include a note that you're making a donation or entering for a specific raffle item